Forget Me Not

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Photograph: Mike Powles/Getty Images

Hello everyone. It’s been a little while. A few updates before I go on with what’s been on my mind.

Similar to how I stopped calling each post “a challenge”, I’m going to stop adding the week number to the posts. I’ve always felt adding those prefixes to each post made the purpose of writing these posts lose its point.

I’ve done a lot of spring cleaning in the blog and got rid of a lot of posts. There were so many that did not have much substance and were hardly worth a read. I wanted to make sure the blog felt more like a collection of my thoughts and who I was at the time of writing them. There are some that are somewhat embarrassing to have around, but they are mere fragments of the past. I hope I’m not the same as I was back then.

With that said, I want to go back to what I briefly wrote about last week — the passing of my friend.

If it were not for the group chat made to help celebrate my friend, I’m not sure if I would have been able to cope as well as I am now. Having everyone who cared for the same person come together and share memories we all had with him is shockingly helpful.

There are still some things that needs to happen before I can write about said friend, but at the very least, I can at least move forward knowing that my friend is still loved and will continue to live in our hearts and memories.

“I mean, they say you die twice. One time when you stop breathing and a second time, a bit later on, when somebody says your name for the last time.” ― Banksy

There’s a story about a flower called the “Forget-Me-Not” which details the etymology of its name. In French legends, there was a knight who was walking along a river with his loved one when he suddenly saw a beautiful blue flower. He bent over to pick them as a gift to his love. However, due to the weight of his armor, he fell over into the river. In an act of desperation, he tosses the flower to his loved one, exclaiming, “Forget me not!”

Of course, the legend has heavy romantic tones, but I’d like to think the same could be applied to friends. After all, in the end, I loved him too and I don’t ever want to forget him.

The week, otherwise, has been rather uneventful except for one part — I was able to go to the fitness center in my apartment complex. They opened it back up this week but with new guidelines set in place.

In order to go to the gym, you have to log into the apartment web portal and reserve a time slot to use the gym. Each primary resident of an apartment gets two credits a week meaning you can only get a max of two slots per week. The time slot is reserved for the resident and the resident only. They ask that you wear a mask at all time and wipe stuff down when you’re done.

Being able to go a gym with all the weights and open space to work out felt great! To be able to feel this familiar ache on my muscles was such a welcome change. I plan to continue going whenever I get the chance.

Thanks to anyone that stops by to read my posts. I hope to bring better news next week and something more interesting to read as well! It’s February now too so I hope you all have a great Valentines next week!

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